Friday, 30 August 2019


L.I - To comment on people blogs

This week for Commenting I commented on Suila's blog about Netball. I liked how she represented our school and gave it a try. 

Basic Facts Boxes

This week for basic facts I did up to 10. It took me 4 mins and 4 seconds to do this activity. I need more practice t get faster at doing this activity 

SSR Selfie

L.I - To retell a book

This week for SSR Selfie I had to retell a story called The Mouse Island Marathon.
Mores information is shown above on the SSR Selfie image.

QAR | Reading

L.I - To identify the main ideas 

This week for Reading we are learning how to summarize the main ideas from the text. We also had to make a flip grid showing what our topic about.

We used QAR ( Question Answer & Relationship ) for this activity we were doing. More information is shown above on the Google Drawings I made.

Here is a link to the flip grids we made and watch to find out what we did -  FLIP GRID

Thursday, 29 August 2019


L.I - To earn money

This week for Maths we are learning how to earn money by getting work finished. We had to make a slide deck showing Proportion Facts. Our work is in progress because my maths teacher is busy doing a film festival. 


L.I - To learn water safety

This week for Swimming we had to learn water safety. Or instructor taught us  freestyle, backstroke and Endurance swimming with these propositions we had to have straight arms, legs and breath on the side.

These propositions taught us how to save other but most importantly to save ourselves

Writing | Describing Things

L.I - To describe things using adjectives

This week for Writing we are learning how to describe things using adjectives. We had to use the adjectives in the sentences we were using. 

More information is shown above a the slide deck

The structure of a persuasive text is OREO

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Ihumatao | Reading

L.I - To identify the main ideas.

This week for reading we were learning about the main ideas of ihumatao. We had to write about what we through about this protest and the 1st point, 2nd point, 3rd point and a conclusion. I had to write those parts on the DLO above and the information.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Print Design Rules

L.I - To explain print design rules

This week for Cybersmart we learnt about the pint design rules. We had to decide where the photos and text belong. More information is shown above and how I completed this activity. The parts to the print design rules are Composition, Layout, Colour, Text . These parts to the print design rules will help with this slide deck.

Kiwi Can

L.I - To cope with challenges.


Kiwi Can says " Control yourself, Do not Shout, Kiwi Can over and out.

This week for Kiwi Can we were learning how to cope with challenges. 


Our activity was the four challenges how to play this game the people playing will receive a card with an challenge written on it. They have to do these challenges in one minute. 

The first challenge we had to as a group was say the catchphrase but with different actions. This challenge was hard because the normal actions were easier for people to learn.

The next challenge was putting the maori colours in order with the english words. This challenge was hard because some people aren't maori.

The third challenge was spelling the alphabet backwards.This challenge was difficult because we couldn't spell the alphabet forwards. 

The last challenge was doing press outs, squats, burpees and sit ups. We had to do these challenges five times in a minute. This challenge was difficult because the exercises all had to be done 5 times in one minute. 

How I coped with the challenge writing the alphabet by saying the ABCD's in the normal order and then writing it backwards

I coped with these challenges by trying my best and giving it a go. 

Friday, 16 August 2019

SSR Selfie

L.I - To retell books

I had to retell this book energy. This book is about different personalities. 

More information is shown above on my SSR Selfie slide deck.


L.I - To comment on other peoples blog posts.

This week for commenting I commented on Marcaiyla blog post about Area and Perimeter.

Basic Fact Boxes

L.I - To remember my basic facts

This week for basic facts I did up to 5 or 10. I took me 4 mims and 57 seconds. I need to get faster at my basic fact boxes. 


L.I. To learn the difference between a lever and a wheel and axle.

This week for inquiry we are learning about a lever and wheel and axle. A lever is something that people pull down on and it reflects. More information is shown above on 2 Google Draws. 

For example: There is a seesaw that holds 2 people and one is larger than the other, the seesaw will not move because those people are not the same weight. The only way the seesaw is going to move is if the larger person pulls on the seat to make it go down.


 L.I - To separate fact from opinion.

This week for Reading we are learning about what is happening in Ihumatao. I had to make a slide showing the point of view and my thoughts. The information is shown above and what happened. Ihumatao is a maori traditional for protesters to come in and share their ideas. 

Ratio Facts

L.I - To learn ratio problems and facts.

This week for maths we are learning about ratio problems and ratio facts. Each group had to choose topic on ratio fact and ratio problems. I had to make a slide with the ratio fact. On the tutorial there will be 2 questions that you have to solve. There also will be helping slides for each question. My work is in proggress because my maths teacher is doing a film festival.  

Persausive Speech


  L.I - To write a quick persuasive speech

This week for writing we are learning to write a persuasive speech. The parts of a persuasive text is Opinion,Reason,Explanation,Opinion. We had to choose a topic from these topics Character,Movie,Sport,Dessert. The structure for persuasive text is OREO. This activity will show you how to write a quickspeech to teach others. 

My work is in progress because my teacher is busy.

O - Opinion 1x

R - Reasons 3x

E - Explanations  3x

O - Opinion 1x 

Thursday, 15 August 2019


L.I - To learn water safety.

This week for Swimming we learnt about water safety. James taught us to do Streamline,Streamline and roll for breath,Rotate body on side for breath,Kicking on back,breaststroke & survival stroke. 


I enjoyed the rotating body for breath,breaststroke and kicking on my back.

I find the streamline and roll for breath difficult.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019


L.I - To identify the print design rules 

This week for Cybersmart we learnt about the print design rules. We had to decide where the photos go to on the slide we made. More information is shown above and how I completed this activity. The part to the print design rules are Composition,Layout,Colour,Text. These parts helped in the cybersmart lesson.

Kiwi Can | Self Control

L.I - To cope with challenges


Self Control
Self Discipline

Our energizer was Rats and Rabbits how to play this game the people will need a partner and the caller will say heads shoulders knees and toes but when the caller say toes both of the partners need to try and gra the cone in the middle of both of them. The winners will go and battle the other winner from different partners.

Our activity was role plays how to play this activity you will need to get into 3 or 4 partners and you will receive a card with a role play that you need to act out. Once  you have finished practise this will be shown to class or your parents.

Friday, 9 August 2019


L.I - To comment on other peoples blogs.

For commenting I commented on Suila's blog post about Expressing emotions. I like how she expressed her feelings on role plays.

Lion King Performance | Reading

L.I - To learn the acts or performance of the lion king.

Mr Ogilvie's reading groups were lucky enough to attend the performance of the Lion King at Ormiston School.  This performance linked to our reading of plays. My favorite characters was Rafiki and Scar.


Equivalent Fractions


L.I - To learn equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal and add to an equal number. I had to make a slide for equivalent fractions. I did a tutorial to show equivalent fractions. My work is in progress (WIP).

If you want to make a tutorial play my tutorial!!.

Basic Fact Boxes

L.I - To remember basic facts 
This week for Basic fact boxes I did up to 10. It took me 4 mins to do this activity. I need more practise to get faster and remember my basic facts boxes 

SSR Selfie

L.I - To retell a story

This week for SSR Selfie I retold the story Discover Dolphins and there water world. I had to read the book then retell to remember what happened 


L.I - To learn about STEAM

This week for inquiry we were learning about Rube Goldberg while we are doing this activity we are focusing on STEAM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Arts and Maths). We had to make a slide on Rube Goldberg and his personalities. We also had to make a simple machine using our bodies trying to open the door. This activity had to have rolling,turning side to side and other kinds of movements.

This video shows how a simple machine works.

Thursday, 8 August 2019


L.I - To learn water safety

This week for swimming we did streamline kicking,freestyle,rolling from front to back. My instructor Jame taught us water safety and how to keep safe in water.


I enjoyed the activities because they were fun skills to learn.

I find the rolling front to back difficult because the rolling over. 

Ihumatao | Reading

L.I - To learn what happened in Ihumatao

This week for reading we learnt about what happened in Ihumatao. Ihumatao is an Maori traditional for protesters to come together and talk about the land.  We had to finish off 4 slides on what happened.

Writing | Speech

  L.I - To write a quick persuasive speech

This week for writing we are learning to write a persuasive speech. I had to finish off a Google Drawing. My speech is shown above. More information is shown above as well.

The structure of a persuasive text is  OREO

O - Opinion

R - Reasons

E - Explanations 

O - Opinion

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Kiwi Can

L.I - To understand emotions.

Theme: Resilience

Topic: Understanding emotions

Our energizer was emotions cards, how to play this game all the people will have a card that say an emotions on it and they have to find 4 other people that have the emotion that says another emotion that is related.

Our activity was role plays for this game we had to get into a group of 4 or 5 and we would receive a card saying the role paly that we have to act out.

Catchphrase: If you feel it, let it out, don't doubt, just let it all out.

Friday, 2 August 2019

SSR selife

L.I - To retell a story and describe

My book was kids jokes. I had to retell the meaningful information.

Basic Facts Boxes


L.I - To remember my basic fact boxes

Today I finished off my basic facts are it took me 3 mins. My next goal is to get to 10.


L.I - To identify the main text of the story

This week for reading we are learning about Ihumatao. We had to find the meaningful information about the text. We had to finish off 4 slides with the information on it. Ihumatao is a Maori traditional. 

Maths | Fractions of Sets

L.I - To learn fractions of sets.

This week for maths we are learning about fractions of sets. Fractions of sets are sets of fraction that are equal to wholes. We had to make a tutorial about fractions of sets and how they are explained. More information is shown above.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Swimming | Kiwi Sport

L.I: to learn water safety

Our second lesson at Swimming we learnt to do streamlines,Arm circles,Bounce breath,Endurance swimming and dolphin kicks. Our instructor James taught us about water safety and how to keep safe in the water.


I enjoyed swimming because we did fun activities.

I find the Bounce breath difficult because we had to do it in the deep part of the pools.