Friday 31 May 2019

Measuring Capacity - Maths

L.I - To measure capacity of containers. L.I - To learn Place Value multiplication tidy numbers of multiplication. Capacity means how much something can hold. In our group we had to measure containers to see the capacities of them. We also had to work on a few extra maths problems, we did the working out on paper.

Reading - Reflection

L.I - To build vocabulary
L.I - To build expression

What you enjoy the most?
The thing that I enjoyed was performing in front of the class.

What the most difficult?
What I found difficult was forgetting my lines.

What will I change in the future?
The thing that I will change in the future is speaking louder.

Do you think your oral language has improved?
Yes I do, because when I did my first play it didn't include expression and I forgot when it was my turn to say my lines.

What things that will help if your teacher did them?
Some things that would help me are: Examples,explanation and more informations about the plays.


We are learning about collaboration.Collaboration is when you get in a group and finish your work. We had to make a DLO showing a meme about us working together.We learnt by watching an example from Farzana and Bella working together.The tool that we used was a google drawing.

End Result - Writing

Gold Ranger

  1. Look at this recipe.
  2. Copy and paste the End Result here:
Lamingtons are a quintessential part of every Australian's childhood.
The little sponge cake is dipped in chocolate icing and then rolled in desiccated
coconut. These little treats are sold at school fairs and bake sales around the
country. These days, Lamingtons are also commercially produced, however,
they don't taste as good as the homemade versions.
  1. Highlight the adjectives.
  2. Type the End Result without adjectives here:
Lamingtons are part of every Australian childhood. The little cake is dipped in icing and then
rolled desiccated country. These treats  are sold at school fairs and bake sales around the
country. These days, Lamingtons are also produced,however,they don’t taste as good as the
homemade version   

Write an end result for the procedure in the photo.
End Result:
This recipe makes hard,muddy and dirty chocolate mud pies.

L.I - To write an end result using new adjectives in our vocab list.

This week for writing we learnt about End Results and adjectives. For our work th teacher gave us a website with recipe for our group to use. My groups repice was Lamingtons we also had to highlight all the adjectives. After that we had to copy and pate the end result without the adjectives onto another text box.

Friday 24 May 2019

Venus ~ Inquiry

L.I  - To know about planets.

We had to research about the planets that we chosen and we had to write all info about planets we chosen and like how much gravity is there on Venus and the conditions about Venus

Reading ~ Flip Grid

L.I - To learn vocabulary
L.I - To learn Expression

For Reading this week I made a flip grid response about my character in my play. My play was In training. 

Volume ~ Maths

L.I - To calculate the volume of objects by measuring water displacement.

Volume is amount an object can hold. We first had a task which was measuring a bunch of 3D shapes and find out how much it can hold. The first one we did as a class,then the rest we did in a group. We also had to write down calculations and labels. We then had to my an DLO on a Google drawing.

Writing | End Result

L.I - Learning to write end results using simple sentences.

For end result we had to talk about Ceviche. My end results tells you what I done and made if teacher don't know what Ceviche is,we give my teacher instructions.

End results: one or two sentences that tell us what is going to be made or done.

Here is my practising:


L.I - To learn about the solar system and the kind of weather.

We went to Stardome to learn about space.

First we learned about the planets,John told us all about the planets.

Next we did a quiz. We had to look around at images to see the answer and putting the right answer on the ipad each group had a name of a planet such as Mars.

Last we learned about the weather on different planets by watching a video/movie. 

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Kiwi Can | Responsibility

  L.I - Doing thing without being asked.

Topic: Responsability

Catch Phrase: Kiwi Can says: Responsabilite is what I am,and that's the way of Kiwi Can.

Dinefine: Spoke as a group about the different responsibilities we had to define what being responsible.

Activity: Responsibility web: Using skipping ropes,balance a ball by working together. Once it was balanced perform simple walking to the cupboard.

Friday 17 May 2019

Place Value | Maths

L.I - To increase our place value. This week for math we have been learning about place value.Place value is adding the ones,tens and hundreds.We used coloured sticks and We used coloured sticks and a place value house to subtract and add.

Play break down | Reading

L.I - To build vocabulary and expression. 
Today for reading we had to do another play,my other play is called,In training.The slides above will tell you about the play. The first text box will have six words and you have to choose 3 words from that 6 words.The last slide shows  our lines that we have been practicing and what our character wants to achieve. 

Thursday 16 May 2019

Gymnastics | Kiwi Sport

L.I - To develop body movements of balance,rotation & strength 

Main Stretches: - L shape,Seal,Butterfly wings,Straddle and Back/front/side supports.

Rotation 1: 

Beam - Backwards
Box - Cartwheel
Bench - Forward Roll

Rotation 2:

Trampoline - Starfish
Backwards Roll - 1 leg/Scorpion 
handstand Half 180 Jump 

Rotation 3:

Front support 
Parallel bars 
Back/Front/side Rotation 


What was difficult?

What I find difficult was doing the forward Roll on the bench. So was walking backwards on the beam.

Shrimp Ceviche | Procedural Writing

L.I - To write instructions starting with verbs

We watched a video that was called shrimp ceviche.We had to do a DLO that had to start with verb words (actions words or doing words.)

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Kiwi Can | Honesty | Integrity

L.I - To use integrity and honesty

Staying by yourself is not easy,but telling the truth or helping a friend to say the truth must be done.
We did  display activity to show people's emotion in different situation like when a lie is told that lie can spread around. 


L.I - To learn about patupaiarehe fairies and geography of Aotearoa.

Patupaiarehe are fairies that live in the forest. They have magic powers like their strength and

The patupaiarehe we learnt about today live on a mountain.

We learnt about Aotearoa and patupaiarehe by listening to the story of  Ihenga  and searching for information and using Google Maps.

Friday 10 May 2019

Procedural Writing - Steps

L.I - To write steps starting with verb words

We did procedural writing we had to watch a video to get the steps.Our teacher made us a template for us to write the steps and Materials. The video we watched had the TEMPS in it. After we finished my group Gold Ranger had to read out their steps.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Kiwi Can

L.I - To define what honesty is.

Theme - Integrity
Topic - Honesty

Catchphrase - Speak to me truthfully,that is called Honesty!

Role Play - In groups we  were given a situation about honesty. We needed to act out showing how yo be honest.

1. Cheating
2. Change (Money)
3. Wallet 
4.Window ( Getting broken) 

My situation was dropping my wallet and someone finding it. When I got to the pizza store and my wallet missing.

This activity linked back to energiser as you don't want to change position.


Te Reo - The Legend of Mauao

L.I To learn the geography of Aotearoa
L.I To identify what Patupaiarehe are.

Mount Maunganui is a mountain in Tauranga.The Hunua and Waitakere ranges are mountains in Auckland. Patupaiarehe are fairies that live in the on these mountains in Maori myths.

I learnt about the Patupaiarehe and mountains by listening to two stories. The legend of Mauao and the Turehu wars.

I learnt where the mountains are by looking on Google Maps. 

Friday 3 May 2019

Two Steves

L.I: This week we were learning about the first Apple computers to be invented.
We made an ad about the first Apple computer. We also had to do an now and both,we had to find different facts about the Apple computer in the olden days and 2019.What I find out and I didn't know was in the olden days the Apple computers didn't have any keyboards and the screens were very tiny.

Thursday 2 May 2019

Procedural Texts

L.I: To identify a structure of a procedural texts

This week have been learning about procedural texts.The structure of a procedural is TEMPS.
The definition of TEMPS are shown below:
T - Title
E - End Results
M - Materials
P - Pictures
S - Steps
We also had to match the the TEMPS to there pictures it is also shown on my DLO.

Play Break Down

 LI: To explain in fewer words what is the text is about. We learnt how to figure out what is our character is trying to express. We  had to fill this slide because it helped us while we do a play. My book was called Touchdown this book is about six people that go to a planet called planet Gilx

Wednesday 1 May 2019

The legend of Mt Maunganui

L.I To learn about the legend.
The legend of Mt Maunganui tells us how Mt Maunganui got dragged into its current place. Whaea Odie read us the story of Mt Maunganui.

We used Google maps to find the places about the legend.

We also used google Docs to write down the Maori words of the legend.